Grosgrain ribbon petal flower tutorial
Grosgrain ribbon petal flower tutorial

5 petal star flowers made with grosgrain ribbon

To Make this 5 petal flower you will need 5 by 7.5cm
Take your 3"/7.5cm length of ribbon and fold to make a right angle.
Now you fold the grosgrain ribbon on line in the last picture so the ribbon on the right is now sitting on the ribbon I was holding with my thumb. I place a dab of hot glue on the inside corner of the grosgrain ribbon to hold it together and than you stitch the base of the petal the same done below with the flat petals. Or you can just fold over and press the petals in place and the stitch as per the flower above. For the satin ribbon flowers I just fold and stitch.
You can also made this flower without the pointed petals.
3" lenghts of 22mm grosgrain ribbon or double sided satin ribbon. You can use different lengths for a different look or add more petals.
Fold 1 length of grosgrain ribbon in half and stitch the cut edge as per picture with two hills and one valley.
Continue with the next length. Make sure your grosgrain ribbon sides face down.
Continue until you have 5 petals.
Join the first and last petal by stitching through the front of the first petal and pull tight.
This is the back view of the flower. I like to do another layer of stitches around the back. Stitching through only the sides of each petal and pull tight again and double knot.
Make more of the petals to change the look of the flower. This pearl pink 25mm satin ribbon flower has 16 petals.
Use your pointy star petals to create a bow. This one is made with 22mm grosgrairn ribbon in 352 royal blue. Lengths were cut at 7.5cm
This bow is made with 38mm grosgrain ribbon using 175 shocking pink grosgrain ribbon. Lenghts were cut at 12cm.
I hope you find this grosgrain ribbon petal flower tutorial helpful and if you would like to share please leave a link to our page.
At Think Bowtique we sell the finest quality grosgrain ribbons and double sided satin ribbon available. You will also find a huge range of rhinestone embellishments for your flower centre. If you would like to turn your ribbon flower into a hair clip or headband we have hair clips and a huge range of headband elastic's.