How to make a butterfly hair clip
How to make a butterfly hair clip
You will need:-
- 32 cm of grosgrain ribbon for the loops
- 6cm of grosgrain ribbon for the antenna's
- 5cm of korker ribbon
- 1 lined alligator hair clip
- Nail polish clear
- 2 pegs
- pins
- hot glue
Take you 6cm length of grosgrain ribbon for the antenna's and place the ends in 2 pegs. Than paint with clear nail polish. Turn the pegs over and you can paint the other side while still wet. Leave to dry.
Take your 32 cm length of grosgrain ribbon for your loops and some pins to mark out 5mm from the end than in 9cm another 9cm than 6cm and another 6cm and you should have 5mm left on the end.
Bring you first pin or end of your grosgrain ribbon over to make a large loop glue down. Then fold your grosgrain ribbon over so your next pin is in the centre to create another large loop glue down.
Bring your next pin around to create a small loop and glue down.
Bring the last pin or the end of your grosgrain ribbon around to create the last small loop, glue down.
Now take your dry length of grosgrain ribbon for the antenna trim the ends to make a 4cm length of grosgrain ribbon. Cut just inside the grosgrain ribbon edge down to about 2.5cm on both sides the snip across the centre to create your antenna's.
Glue your antenna's on the underside of your butterfly.
Run a bead of glue down the centre of your butterfly and place your 5cm length of korker ribbon with ends sealed on top.
Attach your butterfly to a lined alligator hair clip. Be sure to add a strip of trip flip grip to keep your butterfly in all day.
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