Make a Amelia ribbon bow

How to make a Amelia ribbon bow
You can make this beautiful Amelia hairbow with grosgrain or satin ribbon. You can also make it using different widths of ribbon.
To make this apple green Amelia bow I used.
22mm apple green grosgrain ribbon
A needl and thread
Hot glue.

I cut 2 lengths of 22mm apple green grosgrain ribbon to 20cm long and 1 length to 5cm.

Fold the ribbon in half and make with a pin.

Take one end of the ribbon and fold it to the centre. You can change slightly how the bow will look by where you place the edge of the ribbon corner. You can place the tip of the ribbon so it lines up with the edge of the ribbon in the centre or as I have done. You can place the tip about 5mm in from the edge. If you are using a wider ribbon you could come in 1cm.
Repeat this with both side and the other length of ribbon as appears in the photo above.
This is the back of your bow.

Fold over the ribbon to the front and cut of the ribbon that hanges over the ribbon edge. In the above photo you can see 1 side is cut off. You need to do this with the 4 pieces of ribbon hanging over.

Once you have cut the over hang off. Fold the end of the ribbon to the center and pin down.

Fold the other end of the ribbon to the centre and pin down. Line up the edges of the riboon and make sure your points are almost touching. Or are just touching.

Repeat with the other lenght of ribbon.

Take your needle and thread with a knotted end and thread through the ribbon starting at one end as per the photo. You want to create valley and peaks.

Thread your needle through to the otherside. See photo above.

Once you are through to the other side gather your ribbon.

One I pull the ribbon through, I like to push the needle through again to the otherside and pull it tighter.

Once you have it nice and tight tie off and knot your thread.

Repeat with the otherside.

Take the 5cm length of ribbon

Fold the end of the ribbon like an accordion.

Heat the end of the ribbon with a lighter and seal the ribbons together

Fold the other end the opposite way and seal. See photo below.

Hot glue the 2 sides together.

Take the 5cm folded length and glue one end to the back of the bow and wrap around the center and glue the other side to the back.
Your Amelia bow is now complete and about 4.5cm wide. You could attach it to a hair clip or a headband. Attach a split ring and you could add it to your keys, school bag or any bag.
These bows would make cute pigtail bows.

This Azalea grosgrain ribbon Amelia bow was made with 38mm grosgrain ribbon. I used 2 lengths of 30cm and 1 length of 6cm for the centre. It is about 8cm wide.

This Turquoise bow was made with 25mm satin ribbon. I used 2 lengths of 20cm ribbon. This bow is about 5.5cm wide.

Size comparison of the 3 bows made with differnt widths of ribbon.

A two tone Amelia ribbon bow could be made in school colours, to match sports uniforms or any fun colours. This bow was made with 2 by 10cm lengths of black 22mm grosgrain ribbon and 2 by 10cm lengths of red 22mm grosgrain ribbon. It is about 4.5cm wide.

We have a rainbow of colours to create your Amelia grosgrain ribbon bow at Think Bowtique

Need grosgrain ribbon or satin ribbon we have a huge range of colours and widths for your next creation.